Saturday, August 31, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: No Kiss when Married a hug instead (Q3). Question 15 is one of my favorite.
Hello Everyone.
It was great to hear from you. I Love getting your letters.
I think that I will send home some pictures and audio this week.
There is a really good chapter in the Book of Mormon about Charity.
It is in Moroni 7. I really like that chapter. That is really cool that so many
youth finished the book. I bet the party and the play war was a lot of fun.
Question 1: When there
was that fire on the island, did anyone lose a home?
Answer: No one
lost a home, as far as i know. I know it was very close to a couple people’s
Question 2: How many lessons did you get to teach this week? Was there a favorite one and why?
Answer: We taught 23. My favorite one, I don't know… this was a pretty good week. It could be the one with J*hnny. We had a really good discussion about a couple different things. Tithing, Baptism, Confirmation, Priesthood. It was really good.
3: Share
again with how people get “married” on the island? It had something to do
with a casual thing like just holding hands? If so, then do people stay “married”
or do they change often?
Answer: Okay,
when they get locally married they just give their spouses parents a shell. It
is called shell money. Then that is it. If they get legally married, in the ceremony
they are just holding hands with the President Jim, or someone else, marries
them. When they are married, instead of a kiss, it is just a hug. If they are
locally married, they get unmarried and married a lot. If it is legal marriage,
people don't get unmarried as often.
Question 4: Do you ever get to hear things from other missionaries on the other islands? If so, any interesting to share?
Answer: Some things circle around the mission. One thing was my story about going to Yap. That one has made it all around the mission. The most exciting thing going on in the mission would be on Pohnpei. They are going to have a stake very very soon.
Question 5: If there was anything you
could change about the first year of your mission, what would that be and why?
Answer: My style of teaching.
Before, I taught how I was trained. Teach the lesson. It was never made super
super personal. I am now trying to make them even more personal than before.
Help investigators feel more, recognize more.
Answer: A lot of people play the guitar or the ukulele.
Question 8: Is there
anyone on the island that you have grown to really care about? Someone, or
family that you will never forget?
Answer: Yes, there
are several. First would be A*gustine and his family. I will never ever forget
them. Also, M*rtina, S*m, P*ter, and F*napin. They are a family in the Thool
Branch. I have become very close to them. They are planning to move to the states.
M*rtina is moving the 28th of this month. Her two sons, S*m and P*ter, will
move to the states the same time that I go home next July. As for Grandma F*napin,
she is just a wonderful old Yapese lady who has a wonderful testimony of the
Question 9: As you’ve been studying/reading the Book of Mormon in Yapese, are you learning anything different than when you read it in English?
Answer: Well, I have a harder time picking out specific doctrine in Yapese, but when I am reading it in Yapese, it is interesting to see how many people someone is talking to. Like when Nephi is talking to Laman and Lemuel. It is very obvious because in Yapese, there is different words for 1 person, 2 people, or 3+ people.
Question 10: We are
eager to hear about who you are teaching. Is there anything they might need
that we can get for you.
Answer: Not
right now, but there is one person, who could really go somewhere big. I will
tell you about him below. His name is V*ncent. If/when he gets baptized, i
would like a scripture set for him.
Question 11: We are watching the movie “Other Side of Heaven.” Remember when Elder Grohberg uses the term “outhouse” instead of “missionary.” Have you ever done something like that?
Answer: I don’t like that I have done anything quite like that. I have most certainly said words very funny and have them just laugh at me. But I don't think that I have switched a word like that.
Congrats on the masters. I know that you will do great on
the project! Then you are done. That is great. Yes, on Chuuk a new island just
opened up. They are very excited about it. It has not been opened for a very
long time. They are all very excited about it.
Question 12: Describe church
yesterday. How many where there? What you did. Anything unusual or
Answer: There was 22 people
there. It was very good. We had one investigator there as well. I taught the
youth Sunday school class. It was good. I do that almost every week.
Question 13: When does school start on
Answer: Well, it depends on when
the teachers decide to show up. It should start the beginning of September.
Question 14: What are you doing on P-day today?
Answer: Well, I am not sure. We
will go climb through the jungle or something.
Question 15: What is
your favorite Yap meal that you cook?
Answer: Well, there is not
really a Yap meal, it is just islander meal. Really the classic is spam and
rice, but I can cook breadfruit, or taro. They are both good, but spam and rice
take the cake.
[note from Dad… never in a billion years would I have
imagined Johnny saying these words in sequence, “spam and rice take the cake.” ]
Question 16: Describe a time in the
last week when you saw a tender mercy in your life or someone else's.
Answer: Um... I think that it
would have to be about V*ncient. We were talking to him and we asked if there
is anything we can help him with, he said to preach him the gospel. I will talk
about him below.
You seem to count by transfers. How long is a transfer? How many transfers
have you been there?
Answer: A transfer is 6
weeks long. I am on transfer number 10.
18: Is it rainy there right
Answer: No,
not this very second. It could start raining any second though.
Question 19: Describe a time when you felt the spirit this week?
Answer: Just when i have been
teaching. As I teach now, I focus more on the spirit. So I feel it so much more
now. They spirit is definitely helping the work here.
Hope all is going well still. Things here on Yap are sure
going well. Did you ever get published?
Wow, that stinks dude. I know how much you love
How are you doing? How is your garden going? I love getting
your letters. They always make be happy.
To Everyone
Well, the
Assistant's to the President came. It was really good. We found a lot of new investigators.
I have never had so much success finding in my whole life. We found so many
potential investigators. I am so excited about them. One guy, his name is V*ncent.
He has no relationship with God. He has been in jail and feels like religion
has been pushed on him. We are going to go see him this week. We asked if he
needed help, he said to teach him more. He set aside 3 hours to teach him. We
are going to go see him this week. He is going to be really great.
We spent a
good chunk of the day in one village. We just walked around teaching people. We
found several less actives that we are working with now. It was really good. I
started talking to this guy. This was a really good week. We have so much
potential in the area. My goal for this area is to stop the thinking that it is
a slow area.
Sorry this
is a little short, but I need to go.
I love you
guys so so much you are the best family in the world.
Just a one
quick thing. I made the mistake of letting a member borrow my camera. She is
leaving to the states and wanted to take pictures of the island. Well, I got
the camera back and it broke. Do you think that you guys could send another? If
you can, could it be waterproof. My camera got wet all the time with me and I
don’t want to break another one. You guys are the best ever.
Also Elder
Ramiterre has asked if you guys could order some scriptures for him and send
them to me. He said that he would pay for them, but he is from the Philippines
and has very little money, so I don't want to take money for him. Do you think that
you can order some for him? He would like his name on the front, if you could.
K. Ramiterre is what he wants on the front. He said that if you could, he would
like the color black and them to be the small set. Smaller than the ones that
you bought for me when I left. Also, for them to be separate. The triple and
the Holy bible separate. If you guys can do that that would be great.
Thanks a
Love you
all so so much
Love Elder
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
All Audio Files Posted to Date
Someone asked how to get a quick list of all the audio files that have been made public. Here they are:
- 2:42 minutes - Elder Meyer's Testimony in Yapese: May 2013
- 3:36 minutes - Teaching, Youth Activity, Temple: 08 Sep 2012
- 1:15 minutes - Coconut Cool-aid, Salted Fish Jerky, Old Breadfruit
- 2:59 minutes - Loved package, snacks locked up in store, Love You in Yapese: 16 Oct 2012
- 4:49 minutes - First Vision in Yapese: 15 Oct 2012
- 0:55 minutes - Water not working and bugs all around
- 0:51 minutes - Putting on a choyeng "roof" made of coconut leaves
- 3:37 minutes - Rain, chewing betelnut is a problem, new name tag, huge iguana.
- 0:23 minutes - Pouring rain: Aug 2012
- 1:33 minutes - Describes Yap Island shoreline, people, and car: 16 Aug 2012
- 0:53 minutes - Prayer in Yapese: 16 Aug 2012
- 6:31 minutes - Is there an easier way to learn this rare language? 14 Aug 2012
- 5:24 minutes - Youth Conference, Super nice people and how they measure things
- 4:03 minutes - Testimony in Yapese/English, just learning it: Aug 2012
Letter from Elder Meyer: Earned the Yapese language Mastery. New companion is from Fiji (Q7).
Letter to Everyone
Guess what… I got my language mastery. It is sweet. I got
a cool certificate. It is awesome. Tueller got his too. We are the first
language masters on Yap in like 4 years. Well, this week was good. We had only 9 people at church yesterday. But our branch president made it, so it was great. J*hnny, our investigator came. He is going to be baptized on Aug 24, during the youth camp. It should be great. I am so excited about it. I can't wait for him to be baptized. He is a great guy.
We got a new investigator when we were teaching J*ohnny. It is his sister. Their parents are pretty strict.
C*rding is doing well. We gave him a blessing last week and he is all better now. So that is good. President Mecham gave us a Book of Mormon challenge to read it by the end of the transfer or September 12 ish. We are supposed to highlight things related to the Atonement, Doctrine of Christ, Gathering of Israel, and Scriptures for our investigators. I am really enjoying this challenge. I am finding a lot of good stuff for my investigators. It is great. I am in 2 Nephi chapter 13. It should be really good. I need to read about 8 chapters a day to finish by the end of the transfer. On top of reading the Book of Mormon in Yapese, 3 chapters a day to finish that one by October 24. It is good and I love that book, i will be glad when I finish the challenges though.
We had a baptism, it was a child of record… it was pretty good.
It is so true that we are not the ones to teach people. We
are only there to bring the spirit so that way He can teach.
1: Out of all the lessons/visits this past week, which was your
favorite and why?
Answer: The
one where we taught J*hnny. It was great. He is really excited about the gospel
and we picked up a new investigator over there. It is his sister.
Question 2: You often mention just how happy and humble the people are on Yap. Why do you think they are that way?
Answer: Well, they don't really have a whole lot and the know it. It just makes them humble.
Question 3: What did you like
most about serving with Elder Hatch?
Answer: He really was a good
cook. He was also a good teacher.
Question 4: Have you tried any new food items lately?
Answer: Banana flower. It is pretty good. Elder Ramiterre made it for me. It was great. I guess it is supposed to be really healthy for you.
5: What put the biggest smile on your face this past week?
Answer: Umm.
J*hnny, my investigator is going to be baptized on the 24th. He came to church
on Sunday which made me smile.
I will pray
that you will finish your Masters. I know you can do it. 10 hours in a day is a
lot. I know that it can be done.
6: Do you do anything in the water? Can you go on a boat?
Answer: We
can, but we need to have President Mecham's permission. I just go and put my
feet in the water
.Question 7: How is your new companion? Tell what you know about him.
Answer: He is really good. He is from Fiji. He is a good Elder. He doesn't really know how to cook, so I do most of that. He has a really good testimony.
Question 8: Is it unusual to be
in Thool so long?
Answer: Well, not
really. I have been there the longest of the missionaries on Yap for a long
time. At the end of this transfer I will have spent 8 ½ months up there.
Question 9: Tell me something unique that happened at church today.
Answer: My branch president showed up. He has not been there in a couple of weeks. There were 9 people there and we had an investigator.
Question 10: It seems like people on
the island are anxious to move off the island. Is that true?
Answer: Well, for the lower cast
people yes. For the higher cast people, it is not as big of a deal.
Question 11: How has your day to day activities changed with a different companion?
Answer: I cook more. Besides that,, not a whole lot. It is the same area and things go about the same.
Staheli - Hope you are doing well. School is starting for Reed. Are you starting soon?
Reed - have fun it school. I know how much you like that. That is cool that you went riding. President Brown is a really really good rider. He has been riding for a long time.
Well that is about it. Not a whole lot has changed.
I love you guys so so much. You are the best family every.
Love Elder Meyer
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: Tender mercy = Transferred, not (Q7). What’s unique about Yap Island (Q10).
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Pretending to sleep in a Yap Island Man House |
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Roof of a Man House |
That is one of my favorite lines from my Patriarchal
Blessing. [Dad’s comment: A line in
his patriarchal blessing, which was received when Johnny was 12
years old, reads, “You will enjoy travel and will be inspired by cultures,
languages and societies.”] Yes, time
is moving very fast here on Yap. It is moving way too fast for me. That is
really cool that Brain and Lindsey are so close now. That is great. I can't
wait to go home and go to the temple
again. That is cool about the changes.
Question 1: When
is the last time you got a specific answer to one of your prayers?
Answer: Not too
long ago. I was talking with my companion about one of our investigators and we
wanted to read a chapter out of the Book of Mormon with them.
As always, we ask for guidance to help the investigators, and we opened our Book of Mormon’s and found a
good section to read with him.
Question 2: Will you ever be able to teach someone in one of the
outer islands? If not, how come that doesn’t happen?
Answer: As of right now, we can't go out there. There are not
any plans to go out there right now, unfortunately. The reason being,., is
there is not enough communication from the outer islands to Yap and Guam. No
internet, and no phones. Once those are there, we could be out there very soon.
Also, there are only 2,000 people in all of the outer islands. Ulithi only has
700 people and it is one of the biggest islands
Question 3: Did you have a favorite moment
from this past week while you were out “finding”?
Answer: Yeah. We were teaching a lady and
she was not interested, but you are finding, so you can't expect a lot. Anyways...
I was trying to offer her a Book of Mormon, and she didn’t accept it. She said that she did not have
time to read. I said, you may have some time in the month to read just a little
bit. She said that she didn’t. I asked her if we could help with something so
she would have time. She said no. It was all really funny, because people here
have nothing but time.
4: Do you have a formal exercise program that you do each morning?
Answer: There
are a couple floating around the mission, like insanity or P90X, I do those sometimes.
Sometimes I just do my one thing.
Question 5: Do you
have a favorite section in Preach My Gospel? If so, which one and why?
Answer: Probably Chapter 4. I like it
because it talks a lot about the Spirit and the role of the Spirit as we teach.
Also Chapter 5 is really good. It talks about the Book of Mormon.
Yeah, Poison Tree is
really just an islander thing. I don't think it is in places that are not jungly.
I knew that you would get the job at Butte College. I had no doubt. Your
masters will come just like the job. You are great. I think that is really
great that you guys are doing the Book of Mormon
6: It seems like the kids are very fond of you. Can you tell me
about your interactions with the kids?
Answer: Ummm…
they just like to come and play. They just like being with me. I am not sure
what to say. I really like the little kids. It provides a good way to visit with
the parents. If they are a little bit older we will play with them, for a
little while, and then work in the gospel.
Question 7: Tell me about a tender mercy from this week.
Answer: Ummm… I didn't get transferred off of Yap. Transfer
calls come in Wednesday and I wasn't told to leave, so that was great. I really
do consider that a tender mercy from the Lord. I really love serving the people
of Yap. Nothing makes me happier. Every transfer I just pray that I will stay
on Yap.
Question 8: How are your allergies?
Answer: Doing well. The
medicine you sent works great. I will only have them for another month or so
and then they will be gone again.
Question 9: It seems like the attendance in Thool is pretty up and down. Why
do you think that is? Are there any trends?
Answer: I am not sure why it does change so much. I
have tried to figure out a trend, but I can't. One week, everyone decides not
to come, the next they all come.
Question 10: What do
you think that we would find the most unique about Yap?
Answer: I am not
sure. It is a pretty unique island. There is the largest currency in the world
(stone money), people don't wear shirts, the language(yapese), the other
language (outer island), the casts system, the rule of the chiefs, the way land
is kept by people, I have been told that the scuba diving is the best in the
world. This is just an amazing island.
Question 11: Have you read the entire Book of Mormon since you have
been gone?
Answer: Yes, several times. I have read most of the Yapese Book
of Mormon too. We started as a Zone to finish in October, so I started over in
reading that. That is where I spend extra time.
Staheli - How are things
going with work? I hope all is going well. I love and miss you.
Reed - Mom said that you
finished the Book of Mormon. Congrats man. That is good. Have fun with school.
I know how much you love it. You can't complain too much, at least you are
getting a good education, unlike people here. Good luck on the basketball team
try outs.
To Everyone
transfers came and I got a new companion. His name is Elder Waimila. He is from
Fiji. He is a really good Elder. I’m excited to serve with him. Although I got
a new companion, I am still in the same Area. After this transfer I will have
spent 9 months up in Thool. (Note from Dad, there are two areas on Yap,
Thool is the northern and more remote part of the mission) That is a pretty
long time. It is good though. I love the people in Thool.
was good. We had 22 people there. I was very excited about it. I taught the
Youth Sunday school class. We had an investigator there and so I taught one of
the lessons he needed. It was great to have an investigator there again.
watched the General missionary broadcasts. I missed most of it because I was
teaching the youth, but from what I saw, it was great. I think it will really help
the members to do more. That is what it was about. Because, as was said in the
film, it is really the members that do missionary work. And that the members
should be helping the missionaries so much that we don't have time to go
finding. Wouldn't that be nice. But that is okay. As long as someone took just
a little bit, and is now willing to be a little bit more bold, It will be
That is
something that I have learned while I have been serving here. Members are what makes
missionary work happen. I didn't understand my opportunity as a member back
home, but now I understand. Members have such an important role.
are still going well with our investigators. Chr*s and D*rlene are back on our
radar. They were off for a while because they were always "busy", but
I think things are starting to look up again. We got a new investigator, his
name is J*hnny. He is a friend of S*m. He is great. He came to church. I am so
excited to teach him. He has a baptism date for the 24th of this month. It so
happens to be the same date as the Youth Camp that we are having. It could be
really really great. I am so excited about it. The youth camp will be like the
one last year. It should be really fun. As always, the missionaries are helping
move things along to make it happen. But it is good.
that is about it. I love you guys so so much. You are amazing and wonderful.
You are the best family every.
I love
you all so so much
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Monday, August 5, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: Problem with pants thanks to poison tree (Q2/end). Eternal Families (Q4). Massive, yet delicious crab (Q12). What’s in a Yap garden (Q14). Gopher free (Q16).
Man, time sure
is moving fast. My transfer nine just ended and now I am started transfer ten.
Time is sure going really fast.
That would be
pretty crazy if we were related to the Garretts. That would really make me
laugh. The only thing that makes me unsure of that would be his family is
pioneer stock.
Question 1: Are you still
teaching about 20 lessons a week? What is the highest number you ever
Answer: Yes. We normally
get around 20. The most we have ever taught in a week was in the 30s. I want to
say 39. The reason being, we were in a tri-panionship, and then the APs came.
So there was about 2 companionships working in our area. Then, because we were
all separated, we triple booked ourselves that entire week, so we each took a
member with us and taught lessons. It was a really good week.
Question 2: Do you need new pants? Noticed that your pants were maybe cut? Seemed ¾ length? Was that intentional?
Answer: Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I will tell you at the end.
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Elder Meyer gets "Poison Tree" |
Question 3: When you reflect over this past week, what puts the
biggest smile on your face?
Answer: Um...
probably M*rtina. She was really not very involved for a while, now she is
coming every week. We have worked really close with her since we have been on
the island, and now she is moving to the states. Just the stories that she
tells us, and how happy she is now, makes me smile.
Question 4: Do you get to teach about eternal families? If so, what do you normally teach?
Answer: Yes. We teach about the temple and that through the Priesthood, inside the temple, families can be sealed for ever and ever. That God designed for us to live with our families forever. Thru ordinances in the temple, we can do that.
Question 5: Is there anyone on
the island that you know of, that does family history
Answer: When the last
group went to the temple, they all did a little bit to take with them. I think
our District President is planning another trip for him and his family the end
of this year. I think he is doing some family history.
Question 6: When you left on your mission, you had $400 cash in hand… other than the monthly allotment; do you ever need additional money for anything?
Answer: Nope, not really. I am pretty conservative with my money. I don't spend a whole lot of it.
Question 8: Do you have a
favorite day of the week? If so, what day and why?
Answer: Favorite day. umm...
Mondays are good because we get to hear from my family. Sundays are great as
well. Church is normally a pretty fun thing here. It is just so different than
the states. It is just crazy.
Love the picture. It is a
really good one. I am really glad that grandma loves the necklace. I wasn't
sure if she would like it or not. But I am really glad she did.
Question 9: How is the chief's
Answer: They are doing
alright. As of right now, we can't baptize the children because he feels they
are too young to make a decision.
Question 10: What are you studying in your personal scripture study or companion scripture study right now?
Answer: Personal is for investigators most of the time, if not all the time. When I am just studying for me, I am studying from the Yapese Book of Mormon. Companion study is all about the investors and their needs.
Question 11: What did President Mecham instruct you to do specific for Yap when he visited?
Find, Teach, Baptize and retain. Specific for Yap, I think would just have been
to help those that are less active. What Yap also needs, in my opinion, is
leadership training, and I am not sure how to do that.
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YAP Mission |
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Training and practicing teaching |
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Training and practicing teaching |
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Very yummy |
Question 12: Describe the most unusual thing you've eaten in a while.
Answer: It would have to be a mangrove crab. They are the biggest crab I have ever seen. They are massive.
Staheli - Just wondering if you would like a necklace like the one I gave to grandma. Do you like that kind of jewelry?
Reed - I am glad the motorcycle is working again. That sounds like a lot of fun. I know a great spot where you could ride them here, but you are half way across the world. So never mind.
Carol - Hope you are doing great. You have some good questions.
Question 13: What is Copra?
Answer: Copra is and old coconut that is used for
making coconut oil and coconut milk and to help start fires. It has a lot of meet
inside of the shell. You cannot get a fresh coconut in the states; all you can
get is copra.
Question 14: What do they plant in their gardens?
Answer: Bananas, taro, tapioca, land taro, pineapple, some people grow cucumbers, tomatoes, and corn.
Question 15: How fertile is their
soil there?
Answer: Well, it depends where
you are on the island. Most of it is pretty good stuff.
Question 16: A big question is, do they have gophers there?
Answer: I have never seen gophers here. I am pretty sure that there are not any. I have never heard anyone complain about them, either.
To Everyone
Well. Okay here is why my pants were rolled up. They were just
rolled up, not cut off. I forgot to tell you last week, but I got something
called poison tree. It is kind of like the poison oak/ivy in the states. But it
is all gone now. It is just really really itchy. My pants were rolled up
because the poison tree would make my leg leak yellow stuff, and so I just
rolled my pants up. I went to see some locals about it and they have been
preparing local medicine to put on it. It works really good. They have all
different types of local medicine. I would have gone to the hospital for it,
but I know what they do for poison tree, they just give you hydrocortisone
cream, which mom sent me with. So, I used that and local medicine. It has
cleared up quite well. I will send a picture of what it used to look like.
Sorry I forgot to tell you. Don't need to freak out or anything because it is
all gone now. Let’s see what else is new. Ummm C*rding is still scheduled to be baptized the end of August. Oh, those four people that we got as referrals that we thought would be baptized soon, are not as interested as I was lead on to believe. We are going to keep working with them of course, but not as excited as I once was. We were able to do some more service this week. We went and helped someone make coconut oil. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun. They gave us some of the coconut oil once it was finished too. It was really great.
Well that is about it. I love you guys. You are the best family in the world.
Could you please send some biggish pictures of the Manilla Philippines temple that we can give to people to help motivate them to go? That would be great.
I love you all so so much.
Love, Elder Meyer
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Thool Branch |
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
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