Hello Everyone!! This week went by really really fast.
Elder Meyer and Elder Tueller on the Island of Yap "Finding" people |
Dad - The Children on the island are great. Some are more interested in school than others. Kind of like the states, yeah. Most of the young men in my branch want to serve a mission. I am always excited to hear that. Besides that, I don't think too many have planned that far in advanced. Not very many plan to leave this island.
Wow sounds like your Saturday was a bit on the crazy side. You guys are never really just sitting around. You are always doing something. I am so glad that you are loving seminary. It will be great. I know that you are going to do a great job.
Memorizing 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 is a great idea. We use that a lot when we talk about charity. It is a great chapter.
Seminary –early morning class learning about New Testament-- starts in a couple of weeks over here. I think that Elder Garrett is teaching a class in Colonia and Lili might teach one in Thool. That would be really cool.
Mom - Mutual was pretty good. We had 6 youth there. It was great.
We are getting some less active youth to come. One asked if he could bring a friend. Oh yeah! That is exactly what we wanted; youth to bring friends for us to teach.
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I am very excited about mutual –weekday youth activity--. This week the plan is to help clean up the church a little bit. The youth have a Sunday school class that is taught by Sylvester (1st counselor).
There is no Young Women class, actually not really any YW, well maybe one, or Aaronic Priesthood class. Sometimes they come in with us, sometimes they are just outside. I have thought about teaching an Aaronic Priesthood class, but if we were not at the other one it would get cancelled.
Beautiful sunset. Picture taken by Elder Meyer |
Staheli – Well, I sent a letter to you a long time ago. I just got it in the mail. I am not sure why. I sent a letter in the MTC to you with the same address. Did you get that one? Hope you are doing great. Love you tons!!!
Reed - Whets up dude? How was seminary? I hope all is doing well. Love you dude!!
Grandma - Hello grandma. I love your letters very very much. I thought that I would just write you in the email and tell you that I love you so so much. You are the best Grandma ever.
Elder Meyer finds Big Stone Money |
Alright so about the memory card reader. Yapese people were being tested on translating General Conference from English to Yapese. They needed a flash drive. So I let them borrow a memory card and my converter as a flash drive. They were using it all day.
A lot of people passed the test. They are translating conference soon. We will get conference 3 weeks after you guys do. That is all. They just need to transfer the test between computers.
Church yesterday was great. One of the young men just turned 12. He was interview for the priesthood. He should be sustained and ordained next week. Then he will get to pass the Sacrament. He wants to serve a mission some day. We walk with him and his brothers every Sunday.
Luckily it didn't rain yesterday that much. We went back to see Aug_st_ne, an investigator / referral.
When we were looking for him, we found his brother D_v_d. We had a lesson with him. Anyways when we went back, D_v_d saw us and invited us in. He didn't, however, remember that we already knew him and taught him once. So we taught that lesson again. It is great; he has been reading the Bible. It is a prime time for us to meet him. We have crossed paths with him several times. I believe it is the Lord telling us to TEACH HIM, even thought he is normally really really drunk.
We are working really hard with J_r_m to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. He loves the Bible. We showed him many scriptures about the Bible talking about the Book of Mormon. We then invited him to read 3 Nephi 11. We are going to see him tomorrow. I think if he figures out the Book of Mormon is true we might have a baptism at the end of the month. I am extremely excited about him.
I believe I told you Tr_v_r picked a date to be baptized. Jan 24. He then ran off. Well we have been unable to see him since. We are going to try to find him again.
I love you all so so much. I keep you all in my prayers. You are the best family in the world.
Elder Meyer
I love you all so so much. I keep you all in my prayers. You are the best family in the world.
Elder Meyer
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