Hello Everyone.
I bet you are all wondering why the subject line is the way
it is. [Subject line read “Something crazy is about to happen.” Well, it will have to wait tell the end of
the letter. I hope you guys can make it. Let’s see… sounds like you guys are
all doing pretty well. That is always nice to hear.
like priest vs wild was pretty fun. It doesn't surprise be that you slept with
the fire. Ha-ha. I am glad that I wasn't there. I know that I would be freezing.
I am trying to get one of the members to catch a giant lizard for me to try. I
think it will be pretty good. Oh, you owe me like a billion moos when I get
home. Just joking. Elder Hatch said his parents really enjoyed talking to you.
You are a wonderful dad. I am so blessed to be your son.
[Note from Dad about the “billion moos”. When Johnny was little boy, he would only eat
rice and watermelon. I have an awesome cow-moo
sound that he loved. So the deal we made was for every new food item he tried,
I would “moo” for him. I did this to
help prepare him in-case he served his mission where different foods may be served.” Who would have guessed?]
Question 1: In order to ensure you eventually come home
from Yap, will I need to plant a field of coconuts, breadfruit, and other
island delicacies?
Answer: Absolutely.
I am actually trying to figure out a way to send a coconut home so I can plant
it. I am not sure how to do so. Would the states allow that? If not, if you
could plant some coconut trees that we be fantastic.
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On a coconut tree |
Question 2: Do you ever use the water filter?
Answer: I have used it a couple of times, when water has been shut off to
our house. I will go find a water spout somewhere and get some water and then
use the filter. In our apartment there is a filter connected to the sink.
Question 3: Based on
one of your last letters, I’m taking some time to really study more about the
Atonement… what are the key messages you teach about the Atonement to people
you meet?
Answer: Only through Jesus
Christ can we return to God. Jesus has been through everything you have and are
going through, so he can help you through everything. Christ can help you obey
the commandments especially the Word of Wisdom.
Question 4: Were you surprised about
conducting Sacrament meeting last week, does that happen a lot?
Answer: A little bit. It doesn’t happen too
often. I will normally give a talk or teach a lesson in the Thool branch, but
hardly ever will I conduct.
That is a ridiculous schedule. I bet you are very excited
for it to be half over. 4am is really quite early. I bet that is not super
enjoyable. I forgot that you were working on that [Masters Degree]. Are you
almost done? Are you going to be able to get it in the six months block of time
like you wanted? You are the best mom in the whole world. I love you!
Question 5: How many missionaries are on Yap now?
Currently there are 5 missionaries on Yap. We are expecting a new one sometime
in May.
Question 6: How are the missionaries split up and where
are they serving?
Answer: Let’s see. I am
with Elder Hatch. We are covering the top half of the island (Thol). Elder
Tueller, Elder Ramiterre, and Elder Baliling are covering the bottom half of
the island (Colonia).
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Map of Yap Island and how the missionaries divide the area |
Question 7: Did you get any
packages this week? What was in them?
Actually no packages. There has been no mail to the island for like 2 weeks.
Hopefully there should be some stuff next week.
Question 8: Tell one thing you did this week
that was unique.
Answer: Okay lets me think. Oh, I got
it, but I can't tell you until the end of the letter. It is the crazy thing
that is about to happen.
Question 9: Describe where you are living.
I am living in the same apartment that I was in when I first got to the island.
It is in Tomil if you look on google.
Hope all is going pretty well for you. I have got some
turtle shell earrings for you. I am not sure how to get them home. You might
have to wait for me to actually come home before you get them. I love you so
much!! You are a fantastic sister!
That is really cool about the whole priest vs wild. It
sounds like you had fun especially once you went over to dad’s warm fire. ha-ha…
Dad said that you are having problems with the concussion again. That is too
bad. I am really sorry man. I hope that you feel better soon. Love you bro. You
are great.
To Everyone
alright… I can feel your guys excitement and you have not even read what I have
typed yet. Okay, here is the crazy unique thing that is happening, and about to
happen. Okay… One of the ladies that I was teaching when I was in Colonia (Alv*ra)
has a brother that lives in Tomil (my area now). She told us to go see him and
talk to him. Well, we went over there and talked to his wife because he wasn't
there. She talked to us only in Yapese which was really nice because people
love to speak in English to us. We asked if we could come back to teach her and
her husband. She said we could come and ask. Well, when we were at S*m and P*te"s
house, I was talking to them about it and I told them his name. It is St*ven
M*ar, by the way. And they said that he is the chief of all of Tomil. I was
like, wow. That is pretty cool. So we went back and talked to him about us
teaching him and he said that he has been taught a little bit before, but never
could stop chewing (beetle-nut). I told him if he would like to learn more we
could teach him and his family. He said yes. So now we are going to be teaching
the chief of Tomil. How cool and crazy is that? I am pretty excited.
Let’s see,
we are still teaching Chr*s and D*rlene. They are our most promising
investigators right now. They still have yet to come to church. So we will see
what happens. I am very excited for them and their family. President Mathew
helps us teach them, which is really nice. I really enjoy have him there to
help. We also went to see a less active guy. His name is S*rphine. Aa we were
talking, it became clear that he completely forgot about the whole authority
being lost after the apostles and it being restored.
Well, that is about all
that is new here. Pres Mecham is coming here next week for Zone conference
(missionaries only) and District conference( like Stake Conference) It should
be really good. I love you guys so so much. You are the best family in the
Elder Meyer,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Lee Papa nephew of Pres. Weldon Papa. I read your blog today forwarded to me from Weldon. I served in the Micronesia, Guam mission from 1999-2001. I live and am from Oroville. It is fun to see how someone other than myself is loving the people, culture, and especially the work on the isles of the sea. I served on Guam for a short time and most of my time in two areas on Pohnpei. I loved every moment of the mission. Of course there were hard times that I recall but most of all my thoughts are centered around the people whom I loved so very much. They have a sincere tender love for Christ and I'm sure you are discovering that they are very sensitive to the spirit. The mission when i served on the islands were composed of; Guam, Saipan, Yap, Palau, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae, and the marshal Islands. A total of 100 elders and 10 sister missionaries. Few biking areas and many more Tacoma 4x4 vehicles for the elders. ;) I remember Yap being English speaking although elders did want to learn some of the small talk. Has that changed? If not I would urge that you spend a lot of your time aside from the scriptures to learning the language. The bond that you will have with the islanders will be that more real to them and if you are ever transferred off Yap and serve on the other islands the languages will be slightly similar to learn. Leaning Pohnpean was a true blessing for me. I am totally jealous of the time you have with the Micronesians. Through your service you will also have a bond with all types of Islanders and the gospel will be the link to it all. Have fun, husk a coconut for me and make sure if your served dog to have them cook it throughout or another cholera outbreak will spread. Yep I got cholera on Pohnpei. The local Dr / district president Edwards from Pohnpei luckily had me in his care. Please send me a message updating me on the mission.
Learn to love the People !
Lee Papa