Thought you might enjoy these videos we received from Elder Meyer.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Moves and front door is on the ocean. Audio message for Christmas. Never thought the day would come (Q4). Another baptism (Q6).
Hello Everyone
Things are going pretty well here on Yap. We have had a
lot of changes to the island in the past week [Week of Dec 8th). It
is awesome.
![]() |
Christmas Testimony in Yapese -> English 2:49 minutes |
Congrats on doing that much temple work. That is really
cool. You are a great example, of how one person being taught the gospel
affects generations in both direction. That is pretty cool.
Question 1: Refresh us on who all the missionaries are, companion setup,
and location covering.
Answer: Me
and Elder Mott in a new area called Gagil. It is the same area, just some of it was assigned
for the other missionaries. Waimila and Hatch in Thol (where I just was),
Ramiterre and Huppe in Dalipebinaw. Huppe is new to the island, but served on the
Island of Chuuk for a while. He is 2 transfers older than me and the sisters.
SisterCambell and Sister David. They are in Colonia.
Question 2: How many lessons taught this week,
and how many with members’ present?
Answer: Well, only 15 and 8 with a member.
Not too bad for having to move where we live, and get stuff ready, and shrink
part of my area.
Question 3: Are those going to the temple repeat visit or new first
Most are new. It is really great. I can't wait for them to come back and talk
to them about it. Jim the district president is going again. If you go a second
time, you have to pay for expenses. [Note from Dad: Because of the substantial
flight and expenses to travel from Yap to Philippians –nearest temple—the Church
helps defray the costs for those going the first time to the temple to be
sealed to each other.]
Question 4:
When the sisters arrived, what thoughts crossed your mind about their service
on this wonderful little island?
Answer: I never
thought I would see the day. I was so happy to have them here. Sisters in the
past did a lot of good work. So it is good to have them here after not having
any for several years. I was a little concerned too. I have actually never
really served with sisters before. The only sister missionaries I saw was when I
went to Guam to get my trainees.
Question 5: You haven't got any of our packages for a while. I wonder why?
Mom has stuff to send, but concerned about you not getting them... i.e.,
scriptures for that Elder for example. [Note from Dad: Our last 4 packages haven’t
been received. Something has changed]
Answer: I didn't know you sent the scriptures. I got the art stuff last Wednesday.
Thanks. Those kids are going to love them. When did the scriptures get sent?
Question 6: What put a smile on your heart
this week?
Answer: Seeing Cl*nton baptized.
Question 7: What do
you most appreciate about Yap Island, other than the people?
Answer: Umm.. Everything…
really I love it all. I really like how clean this island is. I hear most of
the other islands are a bit dirty, but not this one!
Question 8: Can you describe details around
the best teaching moment from this past week?
Answer: We were teaching Sh*ndra. She is
a new investigator in my old area. We were talking about the restoration. Starting at the beginning with God, and who He
is. And she asked why there are so many churches, and what are the differences
between them. She was super interested. It was really great. She was engaged in
what we were teaching. It was all in Yapese. She was really impressed. We got
to the Apostasy, and she really understood why
there were so many churches today. It was great. She accepted a baptismal date.
It was awesome!
Question 9:
What are you most looking forward to this week and why?
Answer: Umm let’s
see. Probably working a spot of the island that has not been worked in a long
time. It is going to be great. It is really strong Catholic, but it should be
really interesting.
Sorry mom time is up. I know you are really busy don't
worry. You are the best still. Love you
- How was your presentation? If you did it already. I can't remember when you
are doing it. I hope it goes well, if you have not done it yet! I know you will
do great.
- Hey Man, love you.
Letter to Everyone
Alright so what is new here? Well I guess a lot is new
here. So dad asked about where everyone is. So that is really cool. We have not
had 8 missionaries or sisters in such a long time. It is super exciting. I know
that it will really help the church grow here. The sisters have a car, which
forces a walking area in the Thol branch. It is a big area. It is from where I
use live at to the church. It is large, but good things can come. I moved
apartments and so did Ramiterre. It has taken a long time to get it all
situated, but it is all done now. My new apartment is really nice, and every
morning I get to wake up to a beautiful sun rise over the ocean. It is super
nice. It is really fun.
I live like right next to the ocean. It is really nice.
In the morning there is a really good breeze. It is nice. When we moved to this
apartment, we lost the air conditioner. None in the new place. I am okay with
that, but Elder Mott is still not adjusted, so he is always hot. There is another
apartment right next to ours. The missionaries for the Jehovah witnesses live
there. It is an interesting relationship right now.
We had the baptism of Cl*nton. It was super great. He was
so excited. One of the members who is his friend baptized him, S*lvester. It
was really great. I gave him the Gift
of the Holy Ghost yesterday. It was a really good service, and he was so
excited. Cl*nton has a couple of friends that we are going to try to work with.
They are pretty shy, but we will see what comes out of it.
Let’s see what else is new. Oh yeah. I am the new
district leader. So that is cool. It should be pretty fun, I guess. I need to
give trainings ever Thursday at district meeting. I call all the missionaries
for their work report and then tell the zone leader. Then they tell Guam, but
besides that, I am just a normal missionary. I just make sure the district is
functioning well, and help fix any problems.
I have talked to the sisters a little bit. Sister Cambell
is training sister David. It is sister David's first week in the mission. It
would be hard to train in an area, where you don't know anything about anyone.
They will do really good.
I love you all so so much.
You are the best family ever.
Elder Meyer
Elder Tueller goes home |
Audio Recording,
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: Wow!!! Sister Missionaries coming to the island! Now there are 8 missionaries on Yap.
Hello Everyone. Here's a video of a wonderful baptism in the ocean.
To Everyone
So, this transfer is crazy… I will go fast. We heard we
might lose most, if not all, of the missionaries because of the chickenguna.
Well, then we were told we need to find some more
apartments so that is what we are doing now. We have found 2 new places to
live, and are getting things ready for more missionaries. We were told that we
might get some sisters, which is really exciting, and go up to 8 missionaries.
We have not had either of those for 3 to 4 year. So things are pretty great right now. It will
be really great. There should be 4 missionaries in the Thol branch and that would
be really exciting. I can't wait for that to happen. This transfer should be
good and quite interesting at the same time.
Cl*nton is doing really good he should be baptized on Saturday.
It should be great, we are both very excited. The person, who gives him a ride
to church, is going to the temple, so we need to find him a new ride to church.
It will all be okay though. Blessings will come from people going to the temple.
We have some new really great investigators, they should be baptized this week,
if all goes according to plan, we are going to push and pray that it all
Sorry it is short. I had a huge letter written out and
when I pushed send it took me to, so I lost it all. I am very sorry.
The internet is crazy here sometimes.
That is about all the time I have left. Just know that I
am doing fine, the work is going great, I love this gospel, and I LOVE YOU ALL.
Elder Meyer
Just lost everything again on the computer. And I have
only a couple of minutes left, the only thing that saved was dad's stuff.
Things are going good here on Yap. We are all doing
really great.
Sounds like Reed's day was a lot of fun. You are so lucky
to be able to go to the temple so much. I truly miss it. And over 200 kiwi's,
that is crazy. I didn't think we would ever get any of those.
Question 1: I noticed the Garrett’s finished
their mission. What was the biggest blessing they brought to the island during
their service?
I think the temple. They were
such a big part of getting the first group to go and getting this group ready to
go next week.
Question 2: If you were to pick one thing that you
learned this past week, what would it be?
Answer: Expect the
unexpected. More on this later…
Question 3: How many lessons, plus with members present?
Answer: We had 23 lessons and 12 with a member present.
Question 4: I
can’t remember if mutual is working in the Thool branch? If so, what do they
usually do? Answer: Nope.
Question 5: Any teaching or lessons being shared with an island
Answer: Not
really. They have stopped progressing. We just stop in and see them every once
in a while to keep them in contact with the missionaries.
Question 6: I’ve lost
count, how many total baptisms on the island since July of 2012?
Answer: I think close to
Question 7: Was there a moment this past
week when the Holy Ghost
confirmed something that was being taught?
Answer: We taught the restoration several times this
past week, and every time the Spirit was there, I felt it and I know the
investigators felt it.
Question 8:
Could you share the details about today’s prep-day?
Answer: Today, we
study in the morning just like normal, and after head to Colonia. We start
laundry go and shop and email. Come back, finish laundry and go do something
fun. Today, we are going to be busy doing something very interesting. More on
that later though.
Question 9: For the youth Sunday school class, you seem to teach from time to
time, do the students seem to have a favorite Book of Mormon story?
Answer: Nephi, I
guess. That is the one that they are most familiar with. So I try to get them
to know more stories from the Book of Mormon.
Question 10: What put the biggest smile on
your face this week?
Answer: Hearing the testimonies on Sunday.
Question 11: How do you feel the zone is doing overall?
We are doing pretty good. I think that we can always do better though. We are
all pretty unified which is good.
Sounds like you
guys had fun.
Question 11: Did you get any
packages this week? What was in
them? Answer: No.
Question 12: What did you do on Thanksgiving?
Question 13: Tell about church in the
smaller northern island branch/congregation.
How many were there? What did you do? Answer: 22 blessed sacrament.
Question 14: Have you thought of anything you want for
Christmas? Answer: chocolate bars.
- Dad said your presentation is awesome.
- How was Reeds day?
Video Recording,
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: Haircut Yap Style (video). No one sick from Chikungunya. Maybe more missionaries coming. Huge conference and well attended.
Haircut Yapese Style
Hello Everyone
This was a good week. Unfortunately everything that I just typed was erased, and now I need to do it
all over. I will go quick and see what I can get done.
Quite a story about the Presiding Bishop.
[Note from Dad: Bishop Stevenson attended our ward/congregation
and shared with us that he had been on Yap Island just before Elder Meyer
arrived there.]
Question 1: From the story
above about the Presiding Bishop talking about Elder Meyer… what comes to your
mind about it?
Everything happens for a reason.
Question 2:
What traits have you observed from President Mecham that you would like to
incorporate into your life?
Answer: HE is bold
and enthusiastic about the gospel.
Question 3: Do you use any forms of technology in teaching people
on the island?
Just he DVDs you sent.
Question 4: How many lessons
and with members present? Answer: 19 and 7
Question 5: There was another Chikungunya fever outbreak on Yap. News
says that 340 cases discovered. That’s
quite a bit for the population. Are you
and the others Elders staying healthy?
Answer: We
are good.
Question 6: What may have
strengthened your testimony the most this past week?
Answer: Hearing the
testimonies of the people I’ve taught, they spoke at district conference.
Question 7: If you were to write one complete sentence that describes the
children on Yap, what would that sentence be?
Answer: They are special group of kids, they are like all kids though,
they just want to have fun. They are just awesome, the spirit they have is
Question 8: If
you were to write one complete sentence that describes the adult church members
on Yap, what would that sentence be?
Answer: A group of
people who are doing all they can to follow Christ in a difficult spot in the
It sounds like you talk to everyone about me. When I come
home you will have nothing to talk about. Ha ha.
Question 9: Any packages? What did they have in them? Answer:
Question 10: Any Thanksgiving plans?
Answer: We were going to have a baptism,
but that is not going to work out, so not really.
Question 11: How many people were at church, what did you do?
Answer: Well, it was district conference and there were 137 people there.
It was awesome. Elder Ringwood, the new Area President was there. It was really
Question 12: How many church services do you
Answer: I guess you could say two. It is
one normal one, and one that is called a small group meeting. It is just
sacrament meeting. It is smaller than a branch and is dependent on the branch.
Question 13: Talk about the children on the island.
The kids are great. They are supper funny and really fun to talk to. They are
like normal kids. They like to have fun and play around. There is just a
special spirit with these kids though.
Question 14: Have you
gotten sick while on Yap?
Answer: Not really. I have
stayed pretty healthy.
Question 15: Describe a time this week when you
followed the spirit and were blessed.
Answer: We got a referral, but could not
find were the person lived. We looked up and down the village and we had no
luck. I just felt impressed to go down one more time, we stopped at this house,
and there she was. It was great. We had a wonderful lesson with her.
Hope things are going well with you. Dad said that you
were giving a presentation in Tampa or something like that. What is that about?
So you are a junior. That is what I thought. It has just
been a long time since I thought about school. You need to stop injuring
yourself. You are going to lose both your legs if you are not careful. Ha ha.
Glad you are doing great man!
I just got a letter from you last week. It always puts a big
smile on my face to read your letters. Thank you so so so much.
To Everyone
Alright, I will go fast because this is the 2nd
time I’m writing this letter since my first letter got deleted… This has been a
crazy week. We are being very careful
about the chickenguna illness going around. Then got a call that Pres Mecham is
thinking about putting more missionaries on this island. And that I need to go
and find an apartment for them to stay in. So now I have done that. I am not
sure what is going to happen. I think it will all be good. Whatever happens it is
the will of God, so no reason to worry too much. I know that there is a lot of
work to be done where the new missionaries would be moving to. So it will be
good. I know good things will happen
Elder Ringwood is here. He is a really great man. We had
a ton of people and District Conference. It was really good to see so many
people there. We had 137 people, it was great. As I have mentioned, some of my
recent converts talked. Ag*stine, and his wife, and also J*hnny.
It was really great. They all did a fabulous job. It was
so good to hear their testimonies. It made me feel really good. The spirit was
super strong there. It was great. J*hnny talked about me in his talk. He was
really scared to go up and talk. I helped him feel a little bit better the
night before. He did great.
Ag*stine and C*rmen were both really nervous. They told
the other missionaries that he wanted to talk
with me. So I drove down there and talked to them about
what they were going to do, and how they can prepare for it. They both did
It was a very good conference. It was mostly about
hastening the work.
It all went right along with what President Monson is
talking about.
It was really good.
This morning we had a meeting with President Ringwood and
his wife and the Pres and Sis Mecham. It was a really good meeting. Most of it
was about working with members more. Hastening the work. And of course there
was always something about being obedient, well exact obedience.
Elder Ringwood is a very smart man. We talked for a long
time just on 3 Nephi
11, and the order of things that happens, and the order that Jesus Christ
did things. It was really interesting. I never thought about it. For example,
there were about 2500 people there and they all touched Jesus. If you figure it
took about 10 seconds per person to touch Him. Then that is about 7 hours that
Jesus stood there letting every single person come and touch Him and get their
own testimony. It was all really good. True conversion takes time on our part
and on theirs. We can't be frustrated when some people are progressing faster
than others.
Well, I am almost out of time, so I need to hurry.
You guys are the best ever. I love you all so so so much.
Love Elder Meyer
Video Recording,
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: Biggest surprise about the mission (Q9). Unique cultural matter, the aunts have a lot of say about a new baby. Many new pictures.
Sounds like the snow (whatever that is) was a lot of fun.
I am glad that you guys had fun.
Question 1: We went skiing in Boreal yesterday, have you
ever been even remotely cold on the island?
Answer: Yes. I have been.
When it is raining and then the wind picks up it is super cold. All of the
other missionaries laugh at me, but I am completely adjusted to the weather. SO…
wind and rain = cold.
Question 2: What’s the funniest thing that has
happened with your new companion this past week?
Answer: Nothing really that funny. In my
opinion the funniest thing is how hot he is all the time. It just makes me
laugh. We'll teach a lesson, and then after he goes, “man it is hot.”
Question 3:
Number of lessons and members present?
Answer: 20 and 7.
Not the worst, but not the best either.
Question 4: When you teach the youth group, seems like most
Sundays… what material do you use as a guide?
Is there a lesson manual you follow or just use the scriptures?
For the most part, I just use the scriptures. I open to a good story in the Book
Of Mormon. My goal is to get them more involved in the scriptures. So I try to
pick really interesting stories and verses and bring it to life for them.
Question 5:
Did something happen this past week that you were most grateful for?
Answer: We got
permission to baptize Cl*nton. So that was awesome.
Question 6: Thanksgiving is coming up, do they celebrate same on
the island?
Not really, it is mostly the church that will do a thanksgiving party. No one
else really does anything.
Question 7: Who on the
island (besides yourself) has changed the most because of your mission, and
explain please.
Answer: I think A*gustine
and his family. A*gistine was a heavy drinking, etc… using man. His wife was
constantly praying that he would change. Now, he is preparing to go to the
temple. How wonderful is that. I hope that I have impacted the youth as well. I
put a lot of time into helping them and trying to help them understand the
gospel more.
Question 8: How impactful is General Conference to those on the island who
have viewed it?
To the ones that listened carefully. It is super powerful to them. It impacts
them for a while, but just like most people in the states, it "wears
off" I guess you could say. People get really excited about things, then
it disappears for a while.
Question 9:
Before you went on your mission, you had sort of an idea of what is might be
like. What is the biggest surprise about a mission?
Answer: The amount
of work it is, and how exhausted you are at the end of the day. Also, I figured
I would love the people, but I did not know that I would love them as much as I
do, and in the way that I do. I have no words for the amount of love I have for
these people. In fact just writing that makes me tear up a little.
Still not sure what this "snow" thing is, but I
am glad that it was fun ha ha. Year ski passes. That is awesome. You guys
better go a lot. We didn't go very many times when I was home. Mom, I know that
you would do just wonderful on all the parts of your Masters. To be honest, I
was not worried at all.
Question 10: When you count discussions, if there are five people
there, does that count for five discussions or one?
Just 1. You taught one thing to 5 people. It is just one lesson. That is a challenge
in the mission… counting numbers right.
Question 11: When
Elder Thueller goes home, will you be the most senior Elder on Yap?
Answer: Yes and no. I will
be the most senior on Island of Yap, or been on the island the longest, but
Elder Ramiterre will have been out longer on his mission than me.
Question 12: Did you get any package this week? Answer: Nope.
Question 13: Did the regular
shipments of food and supplies get delayed because of the typhoon?
Answer: Well, a boat just got here today. I think it
was supposed to be here last week, but I am not sure. If it was delayed, not too
bad of a delay.
Question 14: Tell me something that made you laugh this week.
Cl*nton and F*ona. They are two investigators. They are just really funny. They
love to play with my camera and take lots of pictures. So it is funny to watch
them. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, kids are good with
technology. I don't have to show the kids how to use my camera, they just know.
Question 15: Tell
about a lesson you taught that you felt the spirit.
Answer: We were
teaching Cl*nton and F*ona. Elder Melder’s
recent convert was there. We were talking about the word
of wisdom. I asked him to share his testimony.
It was awesome. It was simple, but beautiful. The spirit was there.
Question 16: Tell about
church. Do you go to Thool and Colonia?
What did you do? How many were
I still go to Thool (smaller group in the northern part of the island). I will
be up at least until the end of December. I gave a talk this week. The person
who was supposed to speak didn't want to, so I was asked about 3 minutes before
we started. It is a normal thing in the Thool branch. We only had about 18
there. It was not a good week for attendance.
Question 17: So you
still have the Christmas stuff I sent last year? Do you want any other Christmas decorations?
Answer: I still have the
stuff from last year. More lights I think would be fun. Thanks.
- So I here you went skiing. That must have been fun. Are you still a skier, or
did you make the jump to snowboarding. One missionary here is a huge skier and
another is a snowboarder. It is funny to hear them debate about which is
- How was the snow. You are snowboarding now right? So just a funny question. I
cannot remember what grade you are in. It is making me crazy to. I think you
are a junior this year, but I can't remember for sure.
- Just wanted to say that I love you and are thinking about you. You are the
best grandma ever.
To everyone
Well… let’s
see about this week. Not to much more to say about this week. It was a pretty
normal week. We found a new guy next to our house. His name is R*llin. He is
pretty cool. I cannot tell how interested he really is. I think he is, but then
his friends showed up and he kind of shut down a little bit. So I am not sure
how that will all work. We will see how it goes. We watched the Book of Mormon movie
with a member and his family this week. They loved it. He asked when the next
one was coming out. He thought it was really great. I think it is going to
float around that village and maybe something good will come from it. I hope
something does. I am using that Book of Mormon dvd to help people find out how
awesome the book really is. It seems to be working right now. It is pretty
awesome. I think it will help a lot of people with bring the book to life.
we have had a family drop out of the temple trip. It is really sad. They just
had a baby, and the baby will be 1 month when the trip happens. Well, in Yapese
cultural, the father (of the baby)’s sisters has control of the baby, the name,
where they live, and who raises the baby. Well the sisters of the father has
decided that the baby is too little to go the Philippines. So they cannot go.
It is really sad. I really wanted them to go. I hope they are able to go next
time to the temple for the next trip next year.
You guys
are the best. I love you all so so much. I really do.
asked if there was something that you could get for some friends that I have
here. Well, do you think that you could send some carving tools. It would be
for a young man, who is not culturally allowed to live with his family right
now. And really misses them.
Also a
bunch of people love to draw here. Could you send a couple art kits for some of
the kids.
Oh could
you send another SD card for my camera. I just sent one home, but I almost
filled up the other three, and will be without one here in a little bit.
You guys
are the best i can't say that enough. I love you all so so so so much
Elder Meyer
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Letter from Elder Meyer: Typhoon just took out banana and coconut trees. Ship biscuits (Q15). Finding J*ne. Darkest night ever. More baptisms.
Hello Everyone.
Crazy Week… where to start? Well, I guess with the questions.
Well, that is crazy. I think that I agree with your
seminary students. That would be a pretty nice welcome home gift, and it would encourage
me about coming home and not pushing to stay forever. Ha ha. I am not sure how
you get all the cool stuff. You have every missionary convinced that you are a
spy. It is quite funny. It makes me laugh. A temple… someday in Chico. That
would be great.
Question 1: We have all been so very
concerned regarding the typhoon. Somewhere around a few thousand people were
killed in the Philippines from it. I
wrote a note on my Facebook page expressing a little concern about you. President Mecham wrote me a note directly
saying all was well. He is a wonderful
communicator and must be a spectacular Mission President. So what happened in regards to the Typhoon?
Answer: In Yap, not a ton. It generally missed us. It
went south of us. So we are fine. President Mecham is a wonderful Mission President.
Question 2: How many lessons
did you get to teach this week, and how many with member’s present?
Answer: 21 and 9 with a
member present.
Question 3: What do the members get by way of instruction in
preparation for the upcoming grand temple visit?
They go through the temple class like in the states and passports stuff get
sorted, and how much they can contribute, interviews are challenging because President
Mecham needs to interview them.
Question 4:
Were you able to find J*ne? I’ve been
praying for her.
Answer: Yes. I was
able to find her. It is quite a story. I’ll
tell you later.
Question 5: If you send
a package for Christmas, we promise not to open it until you say it is ok. Speaking of packages… what can we send to
your friends on the island for Christmas?
We’re open to pretty much anything you suggest.
Answer: Things I
send home I don't want you to open till I get home. Is that okay? Things you
can send. Let me think of what some members need that would be fun for Christmas.
Question 6: Is
there anything that happened this past week that helped your faith in Christ
grow even stronger?
Answer: Finding
Jane. She has had me worried.
Question 7: What do you enjoy most about training again?
Answer: Watching
the new missionary adjust to things here and seeing them grow through Christ.
Question 8: Have
you ever considered the possibility of a third branch on the island somewhere?
Answer: Right now,
no. In the future, yes. The island used to have 3 or 4 small group meetings.
Now we have one. All the leaders on Yap left. So that is when Yap's missionary
work fell. It is starting to come back up though.
on almost finishing your masters. That is awesome. Your interview thing will be
fine. You will not have any problem. Don't even worry about it. Sounds like a
temple in Chico could happen someday. That would be really awesome. Don’t push too
hard until we get one in Micronesia please. We are going to push hard really
Question 9: What effects did the typhoon have on Yap?
Answer: Nothing to bad. Just fallen down banana trees, and some coconut
trees. It was not too bad here.
Question 10:
Was anyone hurt?
Answer: As far as
i know no one was hurt. So that is all good.
Question 11: How did you prepare for the typhoon?
Answer: Us,
nothing. We have a cement house, so no big deal. We went and helped members.
Tie down houses and cut banana tees down so they don't blow over.
Question 12: How
much damage was done on Yap because of the typhoon?
Answer: Down on
the southern end, not a ton, but a lot at the same time. It was the roughest
there. Some power lines were down and trees were in the road. Coral from the
ocean was up on the road. I mean there was 20 foot was crashing down there. But
even with that the damage was not too bad.
Question 13: Tell me one
miracle that happened this week
Answer: Finding J*ne.
More later.
Question 14: Describe church
yesterday - how many were there? What
did you do?
Answer: Church was good.
We had 24 people in the small northern branch, Thool. 3 investigators. It was really good. I taught
the Youth Sunday school class again. So it was fun. It was pretty good Sunday.
I really enjoyed it.
Question 15: Any other unique things happen at church (like you
conducting, using cookies for sacrament bread)?
Answer: Jim
the Facilities Manager for the church here, just changed the lock on the door,
and I am now the only one with a key, so I was a little behind because we were
running the small group meeting and everyone was outside waiting for me. And
this week for sacrament we use ship biscuits.
Question 16: Did
you do any service this week?
Answer: Just
helping people getting ready for the typhoon.
- How are you doing? What is the weather like right now in Reno? Anything
exciting happening right now?
Reed - Sorry, I think dad
should give me the car when I get back. It sounds like I have the support from
his seminary class too. Ha ha.
Grandma - Hope you are
doing good grandma. I got one of your letters. Thank you so much. I am sorry
that I am not good at righting you back. Please forgive me. Things are going
great here on Yap. I love this people so so much. There is an old lady here.
Her name is Fransica. She is the grandma of two boys that are great. She
reminds me of you. She and you are both supper faithful and have wonderful,
powerful testimonies. I love you so much.
To Everyone… find J*ne
Well, I am close to time, so here it goes. Finding J*ne
was crazy. [Note: J*ne is someone they
baptized earlier.] She’s been
missing and we’ve been trying to find her on this island for a long time. Got
some info on where she lives. Went there and no one was there. I was really
sad. I have been praying to find her and that she would be alright and not hurt.
Well, as we were leaving this spot, I felt impressed to walk up the road a bit.
We did and there she was. She was with her husband (not very nice) and the
mother in law. J*ne pretended not to know who we were, but I did talk to her.
She gave me the look of "you don't know me, okay" so I went with it.
Started talking to everyone and she seemed okay. She was not bruised at all,
which made me relieved. We are going to go and try to teach the husband and
her. I think we are going to approach it like she has not been baptized already.
His behavior changes rapidly. So we will
see how it all plays out. I was so happy to find her and see that she is still ok.
The Typhoon
When the typhoon was on its way we went to all the
member’s houses. We went and checked up on them and see if the needed help.
Well, at one house we cut down a ton of trees. Namely banana trees to save them
from the typhoon. It was raining super hard and the wind was really strong. I
think we saved the trees though. We cut them down so the wind does not blow
them over and hurt the people. If they are cut they will grow back. We helped
some other members tie down their house with rope. To keep the wind form taking
the tin roofs away. So that was good.
After that we went home and waited. We lost power for
almost a day. So not too long. It was really dark that night. I have never seen
anything that dark before. It was crazy. It was like standing in a sealed room
with no light. It was nuts. The next morning, things were alright. Some trees
had fallen over in the road, so we went and cleaned that stuff up. We were pretty
lucky that nothing really bad happened to us here. The Lord was protecting us,
no doubt. The typhoon did hit an outer Island of Palau really hard. They had to
evacuate the island. I believe Elder Ramiterre's family, from the Philippians,
is okay.
Cl*nton and F*ona. They are cousins. They are super
great. We have taught them several times. They should be baptized on the 28th. Thanksgiving day. It should be really great.
They are both super kids. Cl*nton is 12 and F*ona is 9. They are really fun to
teach. I have really enjoyed them and will continue to enjoy teaching them.
Cl*nton and F*ona live right next to Jim and Mathew
and Sylvester, so they have a lot of member support, so that is good. They came
to church and really enjoyed it. We talked about the ten commandments and how
we don't worship idols.
Well, I think that is it.
I love you all so so so much. You are great.
You are the best family in the world
Love Elder Meyer
I love you all. I just love saying that. You are the
best family ever.
Elder Meyer
YAP Island Letter
Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
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